NASA Marshall Lightning Mapping Array Installed in South Korea

A NASA Marshall Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) has been installed in South Korea to support a field campaign, called Korea Precipitation Observation Program (KPOP): International collaborative experiments for Mesoscale convective system (MCS) in Seoul metropolitan area (KPOP-MS). The campaign’s goal is to understand physical processes in MCSs and improve the forecasting of them in a moisture-rich environment, such as Korea during the monsoon season. The NASA LMA will characterize the three-dimensional structure of lightning flashes that are produced by any thunderstorms near Seoul, including MCSs. The LMA also will provide a novel ground validation dataset for the International Space Station Lightning Imaging Sensor (ISS LIS). The deployment is being led by NASA contractor Matthew Wingo of the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), with oversight by Timothy Lang (ST11). The deployment, which will last well into Fall 2023, was executed via a loan of the LMA equipment to UAH. In addition to this deployable network, NASA Marshall also maintains two permanent LMAs in northern Alabama and the greater Washington, DC region.

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