Use of SERVIR Geodashboards in Rio Branco, Brazil

From 6/15-16/23, SERVIR Amazonia Brazilian representatives Jose Fernandes (Alliance of Bioversity and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture) and Adeandro Mota (Imaflora) traveled with previous Applied Sciences Team (AST-3) PI, David Salisbury to Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil, to follow-up on the use of the AST projects’ resulting Geodashboards and ways to improve each for wider dissemination and use.

During the event, discussions were held about the use of the three dashboards by Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente e das Políticas Indígenas (SEMAPI-Acre) and Comissão Pró Índio do Acre (CPI-Acre – Pro-Indian Commission of Acre): (i) Illegal Forest Roads (Monitoring Forest Roads – MOCAF), (ii) Weather Stations, and (iii) Ecosystem Services, co-developed under the NASA AST/SERVIR Amazonia project led by Stephanie Spera and Salisbury of the University of Richmond. The dashboards were further socialized within the SEMAPI network, reaching the Director of Indigenous Peoples, the Director of Environment, and technical teams from the Center for Geoprocessing and Environmental Monitoring (CIGMA) and IMC (Institute of Climate Change).

The geodashboards are already being used by CPI-Acre to compare and cross-reference information from their own tool for agroforestry systems. SEMAPI discussed plans to adopt the dashboards for planning vegetation recovery, revitalization, and roads licensing.

SERVIR amazonia
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