IMPACT Team Members Lead Trillion Pixel Challenge Discussions

Rahul Ramachandran, Manil Maskey, Brian Freitag (ST11), Elizabeth Fancher and Muthukumaran Ramasubramanian (UAH/IMPACT) participated in the Trillion Pixel GeoAI Challenge workshop at Oak Ridge National Laboratory on 6/21-22/23. The workshop invited experts in the area of geospatial data, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and high-performance computing to discuss opportunities and challenges for seeking end-to-end GeoAI systems.

Ramachandran led a panel focused on the emerging trends of large AI foundation models (FM) and Ramasubramanian was a panelist in the AI FM discussion. He also presented IMPACT’s current work in building a GeoFM using Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 data. Maskey led a panel focused on geospatial data infrastructures and Freitag participated as a panelist presenting VEDA (Visualization, Exploration and Data Analysis) as an example of how existing geospatial data is being collected and discovered using the collaborative analytics environment for algorithm development and cloud-based product generation.

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