SERVIR Services Highlighted at Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Symposium and Open Data and Knowledge Forum

Dan Irwin and Katie Walker (ST11) of the SERVIR Science Coordination Office traveled to Geneva, Switzerland, to participate in the GEO Symposium and Open Data Open Knowledge workshop, held 6/13-16/23. The Symposium and workshop provided a platform to discuss GEO services and to share challenges and best practices related to open knowledge. SERVIR services, including GEO Global Water Sustainability (GEOGloWS) Streamflow and the Hydrologic Remote Sensing Analysis for Floods (HYDRAFloods) were highlighted.  Foster Mensah, with the SERVIR West Africa regional hub, and Jim Nelson, an Applied Science Team member working with SERVIR Amazonia, also participated. Representatives of space agencies, private companies, and organizations from over 40 countries were present at the meeting, providing multiple opportunities for engagement.

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