Integrated Geophysical Regolith Field Test

Heidi Haviland, Paul Bremner, Mike Zanetti (ST13), Aiden Woo (USRA) and Juan Lorenzo (LSU) participated in a joint geophysical instrument test at the Lunar Regolith Terrain Facility, 2/12-15/24, and is funded by a MSFC CAN-162 White Paper for technology development. Juan Lorenzo (LSU) and Mike Zanetti developed a test of scattering layers within the upper regolith. Lorenzo completed a survey of this layer with Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and a series of high frequency seismic sensors (including geophones and a rover wheel seismometer).

Additional broadband seismometers were deployed by Bremner and Woo at various locations to supplement the high frequency sensors and to test deployment operations, including deployment on top of the Mighty Eagle lander test article. A layer of marble stones was mixed into the regolith and buried underneath additional regolith. This layer was imaged from multiple locations on and near the dune by the GPR, and then through hammer-and-plate generated signals that were recorded by the high frequency and broadband seismic instruments. The field test also overlapped with a tour of regolith field by the Artemis Science Team, where they were able to view the test and ask questions. This activity was also supported by Renee Weber (ST01/Chief Scientist).

Regolith test 1
regolith 2
Regolith Test 3

Figure 1. Dr. Juan Lorenzo completing a Ground Penetrating Radar pass on top of the dune, Figure 2. Geophones installed on top of the dune, Figure 3. Drs. Paul Bremner and Aiden Woo setting up the broadband seismometers.

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