Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) Discovery Papers and More

On 11/16/23, Astrophysical Journal Letters published online “The First X-ray Polarization Observation of the Black Hole X-ray Binary 4U 1630–47 in the Steep Power-law State” by Nicole Rodriguez Cavero et al. :  On 11/21/23, Astrophysical Journal Letters published online “Discovery of X-ray Polarization from the Black Hole Transient Swift J1727.8−1613” by Alexandra Veledina et al. These are the 40th and 41st discovery papers published by the IXPE science team.

On 11/28/23, the High-Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) published online its Fall Newsletter, which includes the article “The Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer”, prepared by Phil Kaaret and Steve O’Dell (ST12).

And from 11/28-12/1/23, NASA conducted a dual-anonymous peer review of IXPE Cycle-1 General Observer science proposals. ST12's Phil Kaaret and Doug Swartz provided in-person support for this review, which was conducted in the DC area.

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