Women in STEM at Embry-Riddle (WiSER) Keynote Address

Amy Winebarger (ST13) presented the keynote presentation at the Women in STEM at Embry-Riddle (WiSER) event on 4/4/23.  The event include 8-10 female high school students from surrounding Florida high schools who were interested in continuing into STEM fields.  The theme of the day was “Rocket to the Sun.”  After the keynote address of the same title, the students participated in solar themed activities, such as setting up a sun dial and calculating expected rocket heights.  Scholarships and prizes were awarded to the top scoring teams.  Previous keynote speakers at this event include Dr. Nicola Fox, the Associate Administrator for Science Mission Directorate at NASA.

Winebarger also presented an invited seminar at Embry-Riddle University on April 6, 2023.  The seminar, entitled Probing the Sun with Imaging Spectrographs, provided a history of imaging spectrograph instruments and observations and recent results from the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS) sounding rocket.

Embry Riddle WiSER
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