Invitation to COSPAR Working Group

On Feb 1, 2023, Linda Krause (ST13) attended a Panel on Innovative Solutions (PoIS), hosted by the International Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), to explore forming a mission concept team for the AI Microsat sPACe weaTher (IMPACT), a mission to study space weather with microsats and AI.  The PoIS was chaired by Eric Smith, Director of Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and Exploitation at the Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center (LMATC), the lead institution in the development of the IMPACT mission.  After numerous discussions within this two-hour panel, several scientists were invited to join the IMPACT mission formulation team, including Krause.  LMATC expressed specific interest in microsatellite constellations at strategic locations within the heliosphere, as well as utilizing big data algorithms for both space weather nowcasting and forecasting.  Specific topics of interest discussed include advanced measurements of the interplanetary magnetic field at L1 and machine learning techniques applied to solar flare magnetograms to improve West-limb observations for better forecasting of geoeffective solar storms.

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