MSFC Disasters Team Attends the American Geophysical Union Meeting

Multiple members of the MSFC Disasters Team attended and participated the 2022 American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting in Chicago, Illinois during the week of December 12th. Team members presented to the scientific community of on-going projects here at MSFC, including the NASA Disasters Mapping Portal's unique capabilities for near real time and event specific datasets during disaster response, the development of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) products to aid in assessment of agricultural crops post disasters, the use of NASA Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program's holdings for research, and the evaluation of hail damage swaths using ECOSTRESS data. Ronan Lucey (UAH) also convened several sessions related to climate and disaster risks and mitigation. Team members that attended included Jordan Bell (ST11), Hannah Panktratz (UAH), Ronan Lucey (UAH), Alex Melancon (UAH), Kaylee Sharp (UAH) and Emily Wisinski (UAH).

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