Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center (GHRC) Selected to Archive Data from the NASA Convective Processes Experiment (CPEX) and Convective Processes Experiment – Aerosols & Winds (CPEX-AW) Aircraft Field Campaigns

GHRC, one of NASA’s twelve Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAAC) was selected to archive data collected during the CPEX and CPEX-AW airborne campaigns.  The science objectives of the CPEX are to improve understanding of convective processes including cloud dynamics, downdrafts, cold pools and thermodynamics during initiation, growth, and dissipation; and determine what combinations of environmental structure, including moist entropy budgets, and convective properties such as vertical velocity and reflectivity profiles, result in rapid upscale growth of a convective system into a large organized mesoscale convective system (MCS). The science objective of the CPEX-AW campaign is to better understand the interactions of convective cloud systems and tropospheric winds as part of the joint NASA-ESA (European Space Agency) Aeolus Cal/Val effort over the tropical Atlantic.  GHRC will work with the science teams to curate, ingest, archive, and distribute the data using the commercial cloud computing environment.  These datasets add to the growing collection of field campaign data that GHRC already archives.

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