Science Research and Projects Division Support Alabama Space Grant Consortium (ASGC) Review

Personnel from both Science Projects Branch and the Astrophysics Branch were invited to participate as Subject Matter Experts for a 4/28/21 review to support the ASGC Small Satellite Program.  The Mission Concept Review (MCR) for the Alabama Burst Energetics Explorer (ABEX) mission was conducted online and showcased a very thorough presentation of all aspects of mission development.  The mission concept is focused on the use of a 12U small satellite to capture compelling and complementary aspects of gamma ray and X-ray science.  There are substantial technical hurdles to be crossed to reach mission feasibility, but the presentation team members were very knowledgeable and forthright about the current situation.  The presentation package was outstanding.  The review panel unanimously felt that the team deserved approval to continue their efforts to design a successful and competitive mission for the purpose of proposal and eventual flight in the 2024 timeframe.  Support of this pending mission requires a long-term commitment on the part of all parties involved, to include multiple Alabama educational institutions, myriad students, faculty members, companies, and reviewers from across the state of Alabama.

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