Energy Conservation Activities and Projects

Energy Conservation Activities

  1. 10 Year Plan

– In 2016, a 10 year plan was completed that outlined the path forward to meeting various energy intensity reductions, water intensity reductions and renewable energy use increases.  The plan can be found at HERE.

  1. CHP White Paper

– Combined heat and power (CHP) is the process of generating on-site electricity and using the heat from the generation to provide additional energy.  In 2017, a white paper was developed that discussed the viability of installing a CHP plant at MAF.  This document can be found at HERE.


Energy Conservation Projects

i. Lighting Retrofits

– Bldgs 303, 305, 420 – The interior lights in these buildings have been updated to fixtures containing LED lights.

– Building 103 – MAF is waiting on funding to install approximately 100 new fixtures containing LED lights in the Manufacturing Area of Building 103.

ii. Lighting Retrofits

– Bldg 103 – New lighting controllers are being installed in the Manufacturing Area of Building 103.  These new controllers will be connected to the Energy Management Control System (EMCS) so that lights can automatically be turned off when an area is unoccupied.

iii. Air Compressor Replacement

–The air compressor in Building 421 is scheduled to be replaced in the near future.  The new compressor will provide compressed air more efficiently, resulting in energy savings.